. 10 Ways to Clean Your Teeth When Wearing Braces - The Business World
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10 Ways to Clean Your Teeth When Wearing Braces


Having crooked or misaligned teeth are some reasons why people need to wear braces for getting their teeth straightened. But it is important to have clean teeth while wearing braces might be a big challenge for you. You need to select the right kind of toothbrush and brush properly around and between the braces so that your teeth, as well as braces, are clean.

Best Ways To Clean Your Teeth When Wearing Braces

Use a special toothbrush for Braces

The braces need placing the devices on your teeth and so, you need to use the right kind of brush. Make sure you use soft bristles brush and the shape and size should adjust with your mouth. This will allow your toothbrush to reach all areas of your mouth. You are suggested to change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months and when the bristles get frayed.

Prepare your toothbrush properly

You need to use and run your toothbrush under the pea-sized quantity of toothpaste and water on it. This ensures the most effective way of cleaning your teeth, braces, and oral cavities. With Fluoride toothpaste, you will be able to strengthen teeth and get rid of plaque that might accumulate around the braces due to improper cleaning. The braces can make teeth sensitive and so, you may use Fluoride toothpaste to lessen the problem of sensitivity.

Maintain brushing in four different sections

You need to divide your mouth into four sections which are top, left, right, and bottom for brushing thoroughly. By setting up particular sections, you will ensure that each surface has been cleaned really well. You can brush in any section you feel comfortable with. Don’t forget to brush your tongue properly and your mouth roof too. Hold your brush at an angle of 45 degrees with gentle pressure and see the brush remains in proper contact with your teeth’ surface and gum line. Make sure you brush from the outer to the inner surface of the tooth with smaller strokes and try to repeat the procedure for each part of your mouth.

Rinse mouth with an antiseptic

You need to rinse the mouth properly with a mouthwash after brushing and flossing. By using mouthwash, you can lessen plaque that might be a problem for people who have braces. It can also help to get rid of bacteria or food particles in the mouth. Buy a mouthwash that has chlorhexidine that is suggested by oral care experts. The mouthwashes that have alcohol in them may make your mouth dry and can lead to bad breath.

Use a pain reliever

If you are having some tenderness or had adjusted your braces recently, then this should not stop you from brushing properly. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen to get rid of the discomfort. It is advised to see your orthodontist for at least 5 minutes for making small adjustments and avoid suffering from extreme pressure. This can have negative effects in a long term.

Brush your teeth and floss daily

You should practice the habit of brushing your teeth at least two to three times a day and after every heavy meal, if possible. Also, you need to floss daily to get rid of small food particles that get stuck within your teeth. This can help to lessen plaque and eliminate the formation of bacteria and debris inside your mouth.

Take a well-balanced diet

It is important to know what you are eating for improving your oral and overall health condition. You need to include foods in your diet that have a low amount of sugar in them to lessen the formation of plaque or get rid of stains on the braces Try to eat vegetables, fruits, proteins, and legumes. When you eat sugary foods such as sweets, soft drinks, or candies, make sure you brush properly after having them. Some sugary foods and drinks to avoid are sweets, candies, wine, and soft drinks.

Avoid foods that can cause damage to your braces

There are certain food items and colored drinks that may stick easily or cause damage to the braces. It is suggested that you stay away from them and prevent further problems with your teeth and braces. Some foods you should not eat are whole apples, chewing gum, popcorn, and corn on the cob.

Do not grind your teeth

If you have the habit of grinding or clenching teeth, then this might cause damage to your teeth or braces. You need to ask a dentist whether or not you should wear a mouthguard. The wear of teeth grinding may lead to sensitivity and cause damage like small cracks or chips in the teeth. Do not open bottles, bite nails or hold things with your mouth.

Visit a dentist regularly for your checkups

It is necessary to see a dentist in St Albans for routine checkups and mouth cleanings for maintaining improved oral health and hygiene. You also need to go to an orthodontist for correcting your teeth problems. Make sure you work with a dentist and an orthodontist together to solve all your dental complications on time.

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