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Londoners Should Face Charges for Paving Gardens, Climate Resilience Report Suggests

London paving gardens charges
Image Source- Nicolas Lysandrou On Unsplash

A recent report to the Mayor of London has recommended that residents who pave over their gardens should be charged for doing so. The report, aimed at improving the city’s climate resilience, also suggests offering incentives to remove such paving.

Key Recommendations

Charges for Paving Gardens: Londoners who concrete their gardens may face charges to encourage environmentally friendly practices.

New Infrastructure: The report highlights the need for a new reservoir, improved flood defenses, and a “heat plan” to protect vulnerable residents from heat waves.

Climate Challenges

The report warns that by the end of the decade, four in ten properties in London will be affected by subsidence due to soil drying out in higher temperatures. Additionally, without action, heatwaves could claim thousands of lives. Surface flooding is also a significant threat, exacerbated by the extensive paving over of land, reducing the ground’s ability to absorb water.

Strategic Recommendations

Emma Howard Boyd, chair of the review, emphasized the need for stormwater charges to promote environmental responsibility. She also suggested the creation of “rain gardens” in place of holes dug by utility companies, which could help absorb rainwater.

Comprehensive Plan

The London Climate Resilience Review, commissioned by Mayor Sadiq Khan, includes 50 recommendations. These range from maintaining street trees to planning for new Thames barrier construction by 2070 and developing methods to fight fires without water.

Economic and Health Impact

The report highlights the severe economic impact of not addressing climate resilience. London currently loses about £577 million annually due to heat. During the July 2022 heatwave, Transport for London lost £8.4 million in revenue. Without adaptation, London could lose 2% to 3% of its GDP annually by the 2050s.

Urgent Action Needed

Howard Boyd called for immediate action, noting that the new government must consider the costs of inaction. The report underscores the need for proactive measures to protect the health of Londoners and the national economy from the increasing threats of extreme weather.


The report makes it clear that addressing climate resilience is crucial for the future stability of London. With bold actions and strategic planning, the city can mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the well-being of its residents.

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