. Dental emergencies during the COVID-19 - The Business World
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Dental emergencies during the COVID-19


The Pandemic has affected us all in some way, and dental services have been no exception. Due to the airborne nature of the virus, dental service providers and patients alike face infection risks during dental emergency dentist appointments in Wimbledon. To combat these risks, and prevent the further spread of the coronavirus, the NHS has issued a series of guidelines and new restrictions in respect to dental visits. According to these new rules, only emergency dentists’ visits to Wimbledon are allowed.

Certain dental procedures that involve drilling the tooth, for example, release airborne organic material that could spread the coronavirus. That is why some countries in Europe and elsewhere such as the UK have limited such operations, except in emergency cases.

Such emergencies include swellings and broken teeth, which present a serious health risk for the patient if left untreated. In such cases, the tooth that causes the swelling must be treated immediately, and follow-up visits should be scheduled to prevent further infection or long-term damage to the gums.

Are Dental Visits Safe During The Pandemic?

During the first wave of the pandemic, after lockdowns were imposed, most states mandated a temporary halt in emergency dental visits. But as some time passed and it was revealed that the pandemic wasn’t going away anytime soon, this mandate had to be ignored. Dental care is an essential service that cannot be postponed for too long.

However, the Sars-Cov-2 virus is usually found in the saliva and nasal cavities, and respiratory droplets, increasing the risk of infection for the dentist and their patient during dental procedures. The challenge to maintain safety became apparent to emergency dentists in Wimbledon.

Does Oral Health Influence COVID-19 Infections? How?

Dental hygiene is an essential factor in oral health. Even if the bacteria inhibiting a patient’s oral cavity are not the cause of their dental issues, they could lead to a variety of health issues ranging from swelling to mood swings.

A study in the UK revealed that the presence of these oral bacteria can have an adverse effect on how the immune system deals with covid-19 infections. This is worse when the bacteria find their way into the respiratory system.

Dentists already practiced excellent infection control

Before all the pandemic regulations, dental professionals observed strict guidelines to avoid the spread of infectious diseases through their procedures. They were already wearing masks and using gloves when handling a dental operation. In addition, dental equipment was always regularly disinfected and, in some cases, disposable, before the pandemic started. With the surge of infections, dentists have re-doubled their efforts to maintain a highly sterile environment, using a combination of safety measures and preventative precautions to avoid spreading infections.

When my condition is an emergency and when should I go to the dentist?

A dental emergency is determined at first, by the level of pain you’re experiencing. If you have any swellings in your mouth or are experiencing pain in one or some of your teeth, you should consider a visit to an emergency dentist in Wimbledon.  

However, if you are simply looking to have routine procedures, and the infection rates in your area are on the rise, think twice before going to a dentist. although you should remember that if your area is not experiencing high infection rates, it’s better to start taking care of your teeth.

What can I expect to see in dentistry?

  • Under new restrictions, dental office workers should use face shields and wear gloves at all times. Office doors must be open to allow for airflow; meanwhile, the patient’s temperature must be checked upon entering the office. Furthermore, the reception desks must be shielded with plastic barriers.
  • Waiting rooms should not be crowded; in fact, booking schedules must be categorized in a way to avoid creating lines in the office. Patients must be advised to wait outdoors for their appointment.
  • Hand sanitizers must be available at the entrance of every room to help patients disinfect their hands before an emergency visit in Wimbledon.
  • Power tools must be used less in dental operations, in favor of more precision work that prevents the spread of respiratory droplets in the air. Other equipment creates aerosol agents, which should be used for treatment. 
  • In general, the dentist should shorten the duration of emergency dentist visits.

Perform a Self-Check Before Your Dentist Appointment

You are the first person responsible to prevent the spread of the disease. You should not go out if you are not feeling well. The first sign of trouble is high temperature. While a fever is not necessarily a sign of infection, it is one of the first symptoms associated with covid-19. Other symptoms include coughing, fatigue, nausea, and a sore throat. If you experience one or all of these symptoms, you should contact a health professional and schedule a test.

One of the best dentists in Tampa also adds to call your dentist first so they can let you know about any health checks that they do to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This would usually include requiring patients to wear masks at all times, checking their temperatures, and sanitizing their hands with alcohol.

Speak with a Dentist in Wimbledon

With all the risks of covid-19 infections in mind, a dental emergency is not something you should postpone. If you manage to get ahead of a dental emergency by scheduling an emergency dentist in Wimbledon, you could potentially save a considerable amount of effort and money, not to mention time. Most emergency procedures can be booked on the same day because if you ignore the dental issue such as a simple chip or a small decay, you could end up having to spend a lot more on replacing the tooth. So bank on the future, visit an emergency dentist now and save yourself extensive dental procedures in the future.

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